Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
How PSHE is taught at Hillbourne Primary School
At Hillbourne Primary school our PSHE curriculum is designed to provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills that they need in order to reach their potential as individuals within the community. We do this by teaching within three strands: Living in the Wider World, Relationship and Health and Wellbeing. Our progressive knowledge-based curriculum gives children relevant learning experiences to help them navigate their world and develop positive relationships with themselves and others.
In addition to teaching PSHE through the 3 main strands, we have developed a bespoke safety curriculum to ensure that when children leave us at the end of Year 6, they are fully equipped to deal with a range of situations safely. Our safety curriculum covers aspects such as water and beach safety due to our close proximity to the sea as well as aspects such as first aid, body safety and online safety. Each aspect is revisited and built on in each year group meaning that the curriculum content increase in range, depth, and complexity as they move through the school. The uniqueness of your safety curriculum also means that content can be adapted to help children when they are faced with particular challenges.
British values
We promote British Values through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which permeates through our entire curriculum and supports the development of the ‘whole child’. We work closely with our School Council to hear their views and opinions as we acknowledge children should be encouraged to form and express their own views.
At Hillbourne Primary School we promote a multi-faith curriculum where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. The staff work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to ensure that the pupils are happy, well cared for and enabled to learn the skills they need to live a fulfilling life as part of their community.
SMSC and philosophy in PSHE
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development is at the heart of our curriculum. We want our children to make safe choices and develop a deep understanding of SMSC. We actively look for links to support this like linking our Maths and PSHE when learning about Money and exploring Online Safety in our computing lessons.
Our Relationships Education focuses on teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other children and adults. Children at Hillbourne are taught in an age-appropriate way about the characteristics and values of healthy relationships, including areas such as differences, boundaries, respect, trust and kindness. Teaching focuses on both face-to-face and online relationships recognising the significance of the
digital world we now embrace. Learning is designed to meet the objectives set out in the RSE guidance under the broad headings of:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe