Design and Technology

Importance to Hillbourne pupils:-

The teaching of Design and Technology, involves teaching skills and concepts in an inclusive, inspiring, engaging and relevant way. Design and Technology is a rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, our pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values.

Learning about how to fix things, build things, create and problem-solve are vital, and encompass some of the main skills that we want children to have when they leave our school. While there are opportunities for pupils of all abilities to develop their skills and knowledge in each teaching unit, the planned progression built into the Design and Technology curriculum means that the pupils are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.

Design and Technology is an enjoyable practical learning experience and pupils learn how to manage risks sensibly and within the remit of risk assessments. Pupils undertake a termly Design and Technology project at least three times a year. Designers and architects from different periods of time are studied and the children work through the iterative process of design, make and evaluate within every unit.

Throughout their time at HIllbourne, children will design, make and evaluate a range of products including a glove puppet in Year 2 to a Christmas stocking within textiles in Year 4; they will make bridges, greenhouses and bird houses when investigating structures; they will make an illuminated light box and a door entry system within electrical systems; moving pictures and moving vehicles will be created during units on mechanisms. Children will also design and follow recipes to create a variety of dishes to appeal to different users; all whilst gaining an understanding of seasonality and different dietary needs.

The Design and Technology curriculum will make a profound and positive impact on the outcomes of every pupil. The structure enables us to return to core knowledge and skills throughout the course, embedding key practises and understanding. Core knowledge of each unit is supported by the progression of skills which details the key vocabulary and key questions.

We want children leaving Hillbourne Primary School to be able to:-

  • Know what food groups and quantities comprise a healthy, balanced diet
  • Be able to demonstrate their knowledge of a variety of structures, electrical systems and mechanisms
  • Understand and create a variety of textiles products
  • Appreciate and evaluate their own creations and the work of others
D&T Concept Map
Knowledge Progression D&T