At Hillbourne Primary School we are able to provide Quality First Teaching and Learning for all children. We provide an enriched and adaptive curriculum for all children, which is designed to meet the individual learning needs of every child. We have very experienced teaching Assistants who have the skills and knowledge to adjust learning as necessary so that pupils thrive. We also have Teaching Assistants who have undertaken specialist training to support our pupils eg ELSA.
We comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Education Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 by ensuring that the curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or SEN. This may be through resourcing, adaptations and adult support. Please see the SEN and equality policy for further information
At Hillbourne Primary we are determined to provide the very best for every child and create a learning environment where they can achieve their personal best.
The curriculum at Hillbourne Primary School is designed to support every child to reach their full potential and enable them to have the skills and confidence to embrace the world in which we live. It is designed to be engaging, broad and progressive. It is a curriculum that evolves, based on the needs of our children and changes in the world around us. It takes into account the local context of the school, experiences and backgrounds of our children and provides them with relevant and memorable learning experiences to ensure every child has every opportunity.
Everyone at the school works hard to ensure that all our children love learning by ensuring our topics excite and engage the children. We also make sure our children are able to read, write, calculate with numbers, as these are important skills needed to help them succeed on their journey through education.
Throughout their time at Hillbourne Primary School, pupils will be encouraged to take responsibility for their learning so that they become independent, resilient and imaginative learners with a wide variety of skills.
The curriculum is inclusive and aims for all pupils to be deepen their learning. It focuses on knowledge and vocabulary development, as well as a range of experiences, which have been designed to increase children’s cultural capital, for example we include a range of trips to embed and bring learning to life. Your child will also have the chance to take part in a range of additional curriculum experiences such as sporting and musical events in the local community and with other schools. It fulfils the requirements of the National Curriculum through carefully sequenced learning, with a clear progression of knowledge from Early Years to Year Six. Every subject has specific learning goals (sticky knowledge) which children are expected to remember, and this is closely monitored and tracked to ensure attainment is at the highest level for each child. It is designed based on a spiral curriculum, allowing children to return to and build upon previous learning, applying substantive and disciplinary knowledge to new challenges.
Our curriculum reflects our ambition that every child is able to make safe choices and develops a deep spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.
If you require any further information about the school curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bennett, the curriculum leader. Please request a meeting via the office.