Lunch and Snacks

At lunchtime, children have the choice of either eating a hot school meal or bringing in a packed lunch.

Hot School Meals

The school offers hot school meals which may be ordered on a half termly basis. The food is prepared and delivered by Poole Grammar School.

All Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals under a Government initiative, irrespective of financial circumstances.  Children may also be entitled to Free School Meals at this time as well which would trigger Pupil Premium.  If you think you maybe entitled to Free School Meals or Pupil Premium please contact the school office.

Children in Years 3 to 6 may pay for hot school meals on half termly basis.

Children in Years 3 to 6 who are entitled to Free School Meals may order hot school meals on a half termly basis and the app will recognise that you do not need to pay.

The cost to pay for meals for a week is £12.50 and all payments should be made directly to the school office via the MCAS app.

The school cannot provide a hot school lunch unless payment is received in advance. If payment is not received in advance parents and carers will be asked to provide their child with a packed lunch.

  • Menu Selection: The menu will rotate over a four week period. Current details can be seen on the Hot School Meal Order Form link below.
  • Food Allergies: If your child has a food allergy, please contact the office to request a ‘Special Dietary & Allergy Form’.  For allergens see below.
  • Educational Trips: If your child is involved in an educational trip and will be away from school during the lunch break than a packed lunch alternative will be available.

Packed Lunches

Children bringing in a packed lunch must place them on the trolley located in their classroom ready for their lunch time. Please send packed lunches in an appropriate container, clearly labelled with your child’s name and class.

For Health and Safety reasons we request that you do not send your child in with:

  • glass bottles
  • any form of nuts or sesame seeds products  (due to some children being allergic to them).

We are a Healthy School so please do not include:

  • chocolate items other than biscuits
  • sweets
  • fizzy drinks

Break Time Snacks

The school participates in the ‘Free Fruit for Schools’ scheme and a fruit or vegetable snack is provided at morning break time for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1. Children are encouraged to try the fruit and vegetables available.

The school funds the provision of a drink of milk at morning break time for pupils who are aged under five and pupils who are eligible for free school meals.

Please complete the consent form enclosed with your welcome pack to register your child for school milk or use the direct link or your MCAS app.

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with a piece of fruit or vegetable for their daily snack.

Children in Years 3 to 6 may bring in a piece of fruit or vegetable from home for their daily break time snack.

Change for LIfe
Healthy Snacks
Activities for Kids
Lunch Boxes